June 29th, 2015

Project 52, part 6

This recap is for weeks 22-26, which means I’m halfway through my Project 52 now! Since I started this project on the first week of the year, it also means that we’re halfway through 2015 πŸ™‚ Pretty crazy how time flies, huh?

Looking back on the past 6 months, I did 6 photoshoots at Ikkicon, went to PAX South, did a Gorillaz photoshoot at the lake, won a hackathon, and moved to a new work building! Not a bad year so far πŸ™‚ I’m looking forward to the second half of the year since I’ll be going to more Anime conventions, and I also wait until Fall to take vacation (better weather and less popular travel season).

This past month has been pretty fun too. Here’s a look back at my Project 52 photos for the past 5 weeks!

#22 – Welcome to Historic Sixth Street
This is a mural located on 6th Street and I-35. I see it every time I’m in the area and love the bright colors on it. We were there recently to get some ramen, so I finally took a photo of it!


#23 – Previous Generation
A random idea I had to compare the controllers of the previous generation of consoles: PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, and DS. (Except the Wii U still uses Wii-motes, so that’s kind of confusing.) I still play games on these consoles actually!


#24 – Tug of War
Every year, my company has a “field day” where we are divided into teams and compete against each other in outdoor activities. Every team is a mix of different departments, so it lets us meet new people that we normally don’t work with. It’s always a fun time!

This year, they added tug of war, and there was even a mud pit! The pink team in the photo is the team I’m on, and we named ourselves the “Pink Power Ponies” πŸ˜‰ Each person has a “pony” name on the back of his/her shirt. (More photos in this Flickr album.)


#25 – Happiness is a large backyard
We watched over my friend’s dogs over the weekend! There were two of them, Rory and Conan, and they loved exploring our backyard. My photo for week 25 is of Conan…


…but here’s one of Rory too!


#26 – As Night Falls
I actually went to a baby shower on this week, but I forgot my DSLR as I left the house. When I got home afterwards, I was a little stumped on what my photo for the week should be, and then I saw these lovely colors in the sky as the sun was setting. I was able to go outside and take some photos in my neighborhood before it got too dark πŸ™‚


Alright, 26 weeks down and 26 to go! How has your year been so far?

18 Responses to “Project 52, part 6”

  • Becca says:

    These pictures are great! I love how they each capture a different part of your life.

    My year so far… been a bit crazy, but overall not too bad. The best is still yet to come for me with my wedding. I am ready for it – it just needs to get here faster! πŸ˜€

  • Michelle says:

    Pictures are great of the dogs and of the tug o’ war activity. It’s nice that you get a chance to go outside and have fun with the company. πŸ˜€

    I’m glad that everything in this year has been going well for you!

  • Chynna says:

    Ah, what an exciting first half of the year for you! Hope the rest is just as great πŸ™‚ Can’t believe it’s already July – crazy!

    I love the bright colours of the mural. Definitely a great way to bright up your day.

    What a beautiful sunset!

    My year so far has been pretty a-ok! Really looking forward to the rest of the year, as I have lots of fun things lined up πŸ™‚

  • Jamie says:

    I love the pictures, they’re fantastic. Especially the one of the animals and the sunset.

    Hey, I was wondering would you like to take part in my favorite quote project? Please let me know.

  • Jhanz says:

    Looks like your life is very eventful lately! πŸ™‚ And wonderful photos, I must say! πŸ˜€

  • Uglyfish says:

    What lovely pictures! Especially of Rory and Conan. They look so happy playing! Tug of War looks fun, which team won? In work, they’re trying to arrange a cast vs crew football match but I don’t think it will happen sadly!
    It’s strange how much Nintendo controllers have changed over the years, I loved the jam packed Gamecube controller. Are you getting the Steam Link?

    • Cat says:

      Thanks! In that photo, the pink team won πŸ˜€ (Unfortunately, we didn’t win the next round of Tug-of-War, so we came in 4th.)

      I loved the Gamecube controller too, possibly because it was the most “normal” one. I appreciate that Nintendo tries to be creative with its controllers, but sometimes it ends up being a bit too weird, haha.

      I’m not really sure if I’d get the Steam Link though! I like being on my computer for games πŸ™‚

  • Raisa says:

    My favorite pics are the dogs. So cute! I wish we had a large backyard to ourselves. We have a small one currently that we share with our upstairs neighbors. They’re growing a garden on it though so that’s exciting. πŸ˜€

    • Cat says:

      The dogs were super cute! It’s nice having our own large backyard, but the downside is all the yardwork D: I think we’re going to do some xeriscaping to remove some grass.

  • Karin says:

    You always take such nice photos! πŸ˜€ The mural does have really pretty colours, and the dogs are really cute. Gotta love the name of your team in tug of war too, haha! Being able to get together and have fun with your coworkers is so important, it makes work life a lot less.. eh.. work-y.

  • Nancy says:

    Congratulations on the strong game at keeping up with Project 52 so far! Keep it up~~

    It sounds like you’re having an awesome year so far with all of these events happening~ I think it’s pretty cool when businesses decorate the outside of their building to stand out. Which console control is your favorite? Last I remember, I though the 360 one was cool because it vibrates. I’m not sure if the PS3 does too?

    It’s awesome that your company have these kinds of events! It’s a great way to destress employees (good management tactics, I am seeing). The sky looks beautiful!

    My year so far has been busy, but on the better side than the previous years :).

    • Cat says:

      The Xbox 360 is my favorite controller! It’s very ergonomic, and the buttons and joystick feel better than the PS3. I actually use a 360 controller on my PC too.

      The PS3 and Wii controllers are also able to vibrate. The generation before that (PS2, Gamecube, etc) already had vibrating controllers πŸ™‚

      I agree that these type of company events are good for de-stressing and company culture. It’s nice to have a day to play games together instead of doing work!

  • Tara says:

    The dog photos are so cute! They look so happy and you captured their happiness well.

    I also love that photo of you comparing the controllers! Very different and interesting to compare and contrast them! πŸ™‚

    Also, that tug-of-war photo came out nice! You really caught the action there!

    Lastly, that first photo is so colourful! Very eye-catching, too!

  • Tricia says:

    2015 seems to be going well for you. And you’re doing well on your project. Hehe. I just cannot be consistent in posting on my blog that’s why I usually don’t bother creating blog series. BUT I’m trying. I just started a monthly favorites post and I hope that I would not feel lazy to continue posting. :p

    Anyway, my year has been pretty great. I actually just created a video about what I’ve been up to these past few months. It’s been an eventful 2015 and I couldn’t be any happier. πŸ™‚

    Rory looks like my dog! πŸ™‚

  • Anca says:

    All your photo look great, but the last one is perfect, I love it.

  • Kya says:

    You have been so busy, and I love the photos. I hope the rest of the year will be completely amazing for you and I am sure it will. I look forward to all the future photos you share!

  • Holly says:

    I have a thing for old gaming consoles. Tyrone and I have a dream to collect old systems (or find them in my parents attic) and have them all set up in a gaming room.

    I love the sunset photograph. The colours are so beautiful!

  • Holland says:

    I saw a picture on Facebook the other day that said, “A home without a dog is just a house.” It meant something to me, being a long-time animal lover who has wanted a dog for ages. When I told my boyfriend, he closed his eyes and guffawed between his, “OH. MY. GOD.”


    That’s what those pictures of Rory and Conan remind me of.

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