Archive for the 'Tips / Recommends' Category

January 27th, 2016

A few movie recommends

I love a good movie, though ones that are typically popular are the big blockbusters with high budgets, great CG, and completely unrealistic stories that let us escape from our daily lives. I do enjoy them and they’re fun to get lost in, but sometimes I crave something that is a little more… real? It’s not that I’m looking for a totally realistic movie, but you have to admit that sometimes the way people react or the way scenarios come together in movies are pretty far fetched.

For example, recently I watched both The Martian and Interstellar, two space, sci-fi movies. I loved The Martian as it focused on the science and what could potentially happen if someone was stranded on Mars. Yes, it wasn’t totally accurate, but it also wasn’t too crazy. Interstellar, on the hand, went into total drama and crazy land at the end. It fell so far into the deep end that I couldn’t enjoy it.

So if you’re like me, who wants something different from the typical blockbuster movies, I have a few recommends.

If you like super hero movies… try Chronicle


Sure, there’s nothing realistic about super powers, but what has always bugged me is how people in movies react to them. Would an average person immediately don a costume and become a vigilante? Is that what people would really do?

Chronicle (trailer) was a refreshing change and focuses around three high school students who gain telekinetic powers after discovering an unknown object. And well, they act as teenagers do and first use their powers to prank people. Though they keep it a secret, they continue to use their powers and slowly become stronger. Over time, the power is abused and things go horribly wrong.

It’s also interesting that Chronicle is filmed in a way that makes it look like found footage. Most of the movie is from the view point of a camcorder that one of the characters uses to document everything. This can be annoying in some films, but it ends up working well since they can use their telekinesis to hold the camera and keep it steady.

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June 18th, 2015

Game recommends – E3 response, #2

Last year after E3, I made a few game recommends that related to games shown at E3 that I was excited about. I decided to do that again! Though this time around, I’m featuring games that were already announced before E3, but they were shown again during the expo. Here are a few more games off of my favorites list!

Just Cause 2


Sypnosis: Panau is an island run by an oppressive dictator named Pandak “Baby” Panay, who cuts off all ties to the United States. Rico is dropped there to take care of Panay and track down his old mentor, who may have gone rogue.

My thoughts: Once upon a time I said, “I can’t do open world games; I wouldn’t know what to do.” Boy was I wrong. It turns out open world games are one of my favorite types, and Just Cause 2 is one of the better ones that I’ve played.

The thing to remember with Just Cause 2 is that you’re not going to get a great story or great character development. What you get is the pure satisfaction of blowing things up, exploring a beautiful world, and just running around doing stupid things. It’s such a big map that you’ll always find something to do, and it’s just plain fun.

My thoughts on Just Cause 3: The early trailers of Just Cause 3 made it look just like Just Cause 2, and well, I had no issues with that. I want more of that. E3 showed improvements to the grapple and parachute, which is pretty exciting because that’s a large chunk of what you use. Multiple grapple lines? Yes please! [E3 trailer]

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June 7th, 2015

The Netflix… er I mean, Crunchyroll tag

I saw this over at Katy’s blog and decided to do this too! It’s originally a Netflix tag, but the past couple years, I’ve barely touched my Netflix account (yet I still pay for it… I should do something about that). Instead, I’ve been using Crunchyroll a lot, which is a streaming site for Anime.

I know not everyone watches Anime, and if you don’t, I recommend giving it a try! My husband wasn’t an Anime fan before, but because there’s such a large variety out there, I was able to find several series that he really liked. Now he watches some series with me 🙂

All Time Favorite


Gurren Lagann – Though it’s not my “all time” favorite, it’s up there on my favorites list and is available on Crunchyroll. It’s about a future where people are forced to live underground by the Spiral King, but some venture to the surface to fight him. (It’s more complicated than that, but saying any more would be spoilers.)

It starts out kind of light and funny, but it shifts to a more serious tone as it goes on. It’s also extremely over the top, where you pretty much have to turn off your brain and go along for the ride. You’re rewarded with some epic fights and good ol’ everyone-working-together feels.

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