Archive for the 'Tips / Recommends' Category

February 25th, 2015

A quick guide to DSLR settings

When it comes to using a DSLR, I always recommend giving the manual settings a try. After all, if you control your settings, then you also control how your photo turns out. Auto mode may try its best, but it can’t read your mind!


As someone who had to go through the same learning curve, I know that it can be confusing and take a while to get used to. However, like anything else, the more you use it, the easier it’ll get. The pay-off is worth it! Trust me!

And fear not! For I am here to help. Well um… I hope this helps at least 🙂 I call this a “quick” guide because I skip over many technical details. Rather than going into why it works, I’ll go into how you can think about it. Let’s get started!

Thinking in terms of light

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Light is extremely important in photography. You can think of the three major manual settings in terms of how much light you are letting in.

Shutter speed

  • Is how long the shutter is open, and it’s measured in seconds. Shorter time = Faster shutter.
    Example: 1/400 second (1/400th of a second) is faster than 1/100 second.
  • It’s often compared to a water faucet. If you leave the faucet on longer, more water comes out, right? This is the same as the shutter. The longer it’s open, the more light comes in.
  • Slow shutter: longer time, more light, but higher chance of blurring your photo.
  • Fast shutter: shorter time, less light, but better for getting clear shots.

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February 14th, 2015

Game recommends – Cooperative or not

Last year I posted some co-op video game recommends for Valentine’s Day. Like I wrote before, every couple has their thing that they like to do together, and for my husband and I, it’s playing video games!

The games I chose last time had single player options, but I felt that their strength was in the multiplayer option. This time, I’m recommending co-op games that are great as both single and multiplayer games. So whether you’re playing by yourself or with someone else, all that matters is that you’re having fun, right? 🙂

Portal 2 Portal 2 (PC, Mac, Xbox 360, PS3)

Sypnosis: You wake up as Chell, the protagonist from the first Portal, and find that the Aperture Science complex is falling apart and looks like it’s about to be destroyed. While trying to escape with Wheatley, they accidentally wake up GLaDOS, who separates the two and makes you go through new test chambers again. In the multiplayer, you go through additional test chambers as the two testing robots, Atlas and P-body.

My thoughts: Portal 2 continues the greatness of Portal 1, especially the cleverness of the puzzles and the witty humor. The single and multiplayer modes are different though. In terms of story, the multiplayer actually takes place afterwards. I recommend that both players go through the single player first. Not only is it a great game, but it introduces all of the elements that multiplayer uses. If there are any Portal newbies, going through the single player will also help you “think with portals” for the multiplayer mode.

Multiplayer means two Portal guns, and with 4 portals… oh man, the craziness you can do. It introduces new ideas that aren’t possible with a single Portal gun and really makes you work together to solve all of the puzzles. The trailer for the co-op actually shows several examples of this. We loved it, and the multiplayer mode is one of our top co-op games.

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January 10th, 2015

My top movies of 2014

I hope you’re not tired of these 2014 recap posts yet! (Especially since I’m so late and didn’t post all of these until 2015 XD;;) I don’t normally talk about movies I’ve watched, but I saw some really memorable ones last year that I’d like to highlight. It was tough choosing a top 5, but I managed to get it down, starting with…

#5: Guardians of the Galaxy [trailer]

"Why would you want to save the galaxy?" "Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!"

“Why would you want to save the galaxy?” “Because I’m one of the idiots who lives in it!”

Of the super hero movies last year, Guardians was my favorite. I’m a sucker for the story type where unlikely heroes appear, and you end up with a dysfunctional group that has to work it out in their own crazy way. And yes, Guardians follows very similarly to Avengers (especially if you watch the Honest Trailer). The group has to learn to work with each other, there’s a big battle at the end where everyone’s involved to save the world, it ends in that “feel good” kind of way, yada yada. However, when cliches like that are done well, you get a very entertaining and funny movie like Guardians of the Galaxy.

#4: The Lego Movie [trailer]

"I know what you're thinking, he's the least qualified person to lead us... and you are right!"

“I know what you’re thinking, he’s the least qualified person to lead us… and you are right!”

There were also several great animated movies, but I have to pick The Lego Movie over them all. Part of it is the big nostalgia piece and my love of Legos when I was a child. Even with that aside, The Lego Movie is beautifully animated, has an amazing cast, is really creative, and is super funny. It was sooo fun to watch, and I loved seeing the different Lego sets used. This movie exceeded my expectations and ends in a surprisingly heart warming way.

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