Archive for the 'Project 52' Category

March 2nd, 2015

Project 52, part 2

I’ve now finished 9 weeks of my Project 52, and I’m still going strong! I’m having more fun with this than with the Project 365 I did in the past. I’m actually excited to take my weekly photo, though this will probably change as I run out of ideas. Hopefully that won’t happen for a while 🙂

I also added a Project 52 category, and I’m posting weekly on my Flickr and Tumblr if you want to follow along. Now for a recap of weeks 5-9!

#5 – Black and White: Knives Chau
I don’t take many black and white photos, so I forced myself to for week 5. This is me dressed as Knives Chau (Scott Pilgrim movie version)! I used a white wall, a speedlight through a white flash umbrella, and wireless triggers to remotely trigger the camera and flash.


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January 31st, 2015

Project 52

I’ve thought about starting a Project 52 many times in the past, and I’ve decided that 2015 is the year to do it! Basically, I take a photo every week.

Why a project 52 instead of a project 365? Well, I’ve actually completed a project 365 in the past. Not only that, I almost did it twice. If you look at my tumblr archive, I started a project 365 in September 2009, successfully completed it in 2010, and then kept going until July 2011!

Completed on 09/28/2010. Started a new one on 09/29/2010.

Completed on 09/28/2010! This is the first photo of the second 365.

From that, I learned that I treat a project 365 as a fun way to catalog my life. Not all of the photos are particularly interesting, and some were lazy ones that I took just to complete the day. Plus, I started it before Instagram was around, and now I use my Instagram in a similar way as the project 365.

What I want is a photography challenge, so I’m going to try and be more creative about it. A project 52 would give me more time to put thought into each photo, instead of churning out something daily. It’s been a month since I started, and here’s the progress!

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