Archive for the 'Photography' Category

October 24th, 2015

Project 52, part 9

It’s amazing how behind you can feel after being gone for only a week. It’s short enough where people will wait until you get back to ask or talk to you about something, and it’s long enough that tasks just pile up. So where was I the past week?

10/13-10/16: A few coworkers and I attended the Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing, which is a tech conference for women (though men could attend too). There were 12,000 attendees this year, and it looked like about 90% were women. That’s pretty amazing. I’ve been in the Computer Science field for 12 years (4 in school, 8 in industry) and that was my first time surrounded by so many women in tech!

10/17: Even though it was a Saturday, I went to work! We had a group of interns come to our office for internship interviews, and I interviewed four of them.

10/18-10/20: My husband and I flew to West Point, NY and met up with some of his family to bury his paternal grandmother. Both sides of his family were military families that grew up in West Point, and his grandmother wanted to be buried alongside her late husband there. I had the pleasure of meeting her once for our wedding, and hearing stories about how much she meant to everyone made me wish I knew her more. It was a lovely trip though, especially since I hadn’t been in this area of NY in a while. I talk about visiting NYC often, but little known fact: I actually grew up in Poughkeepsie!

And so, I’ve been playing catch-up since I got back. I’m behind on work, reading blogs, and posting about my Project 52. Let’s start with catching up on the last one!

#37 – Greatest Swordsman
This probably looks familiar because I already showed it in my last Favorite Things entry! Like I said in that entry, Zoro is one of my favorite characters, and this is my most recent figure purchase. To make this photo work, I had to get the lighting and camera angle under him. Otherwise, his bandana would cast a shadow over his eyes.


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October 11th, 2015

8 photos of happiness

I’ve been wanting to do this tag since I’ve seen it around, and then Georgie tagged me! Thanks Georgie! 😀 Picking only 8 is pretty tough, but it was fun because it made me look through old photos and really made me remember some great times.


  • Thank your nominator/s and link them in your post.
  • Link the creator (Ariel).
  • Post your 8 photos of happiness.
  • The photos can be anything that represents a moment, object, place or feeling that makes you happy.
  • Pop in a brief description of the photo, why you chose it or let the photos do the talking.
  • Spread the happiness and tag up to ten other bloggers.

Hawaii 2011


This was our honeymoon! (We took the photo with a tripod and remote shutter.) I thought about picking an engagement or wedding photo, but really, the honeymoon is when all the wedding stress is over and we can just relax and enjoy each other’s company 😉 We went to Hawaii for the first time – Kauai first and then Oahu. It was a great trip that started our obsession with Hawaii. We’re currently planning our fourth trip back!

College: UTACM


I joined the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) in college, and in my second year, I joined their officers group which really changed my life. I made lasting friends who I still see and have so many happy memories from it. It was definitely the highlight of my college life. Many of us took classes and studied together, and much of my free time was spent hanging out in our club’s office. I also met my husband in it!

This photo is after one of our “Broomball” events played at a hockey rink, except we have a ball, paddles, and we use our shoes instead of skates. There is a lot of falling, which is part of the fun 😉

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September 13th, 2015

Project 52, part 8

My recent trips have made me behind on posting my usual Project 52 recap! In August, I was busy processing photos from San Japan and working on cosplay for AnimeFest, so I actually forgot about taking a photo a couple times and scrambled to come up with something.

I feel like I’ll be back in my normal groove after September. I’m currently post processing photos from AnimeFest, and then I’ll be doing event photography at the end of the month for work. For now, here’s a recap of weeks 31-36!

#31 – Sakura
Week 31 was San Japan, and Treacly is a cosplayer I’ve worked with multiple times! She always picks characters with cute or elaborate dresses, and they’re so fun to photograph. For San Japan, she chose CardCaptor Sakura, and this is one of my favorites from the shoot. (More photos in this Flickr album.)


#32 – Personas
I was working on my Phi cosplay when I realized I hadn’t done my photo of the week yet. I searched my mind for ideas and then noticed my closet of costumes. I pulled some out with recognizable designs and made a collage with them. There’s 7 costumes in the photo. Can you name them all? (If you’re not sure, you can compare them to my costumes page, and it becomes kind of obvious!)


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