February 1st, 2017

Recap: January 2017

January was a month of getting back into the work routine, post processing a ton of photos, and trying not to play Diablo 3 too much. In the past, I haven’t been consistent in summing up my month, but since I’m trying out monthly goals, it seems like a good idea to do!

Usually after the holidays, I can ease back into my work. This time I didn’t have that leisure and was immediately put on a major project that has hard deadlines. On top of that, I’ve had to figure out some team transitions. I transitioned my team of designers to a different manager (one who is actually a UX/design person), and I picked up a second team of developers instead. It’s been very busy!

Other than work, I’ve gotten back into running. Texas often doesn’t understand what “winter” is, so we’ve been having a lot of spring-like weather. I’m taking advantage of that by running outside more, and it especially feels good after work. Then I spend the night watching shows, playing games, and working on photos. Recently, I’ve been watching One Piece, Psycho Pass 2, and Voltron season 2 – the last of which I finished fairly quickly. I like how Netflix releases all episodes at once, but the downside is that some people bing it in a day or two and then post spoilers online. It makes me feel like I have to rush through them =/ (Why do people feel the need to post spoilers so soon???)

Anyway, let’s review the January goals I set for myself:

  1. Unpack the “box room” – Complete! I unpacked everything and separated them into 4 piles – keep, donate, trash, and recycle. I still need to go through the “keep” pile again and try to get rid of more.
  2. Start and finish a single player game – Complete! I finished Zero Time Dilemma on the 3DS and started playing Tomb Raider on PC.
  3. Set up a dash cam in my car – Complete! I hope I’m never in a situation (again) where I have to use the footage, but at least I have it available to me now.
  4. Start reading an Ember tutorial – Sort of, but not really? I did the base goal of actually starting to look at it, but I haven’t gotten far. I wish I had spent more time on this.

Other little achievements in January:

  • Remembered to renew my car’s registration on time.
  • Started to close my laptop during meetings, so I’m not as distracted. I still bring it with me since I frequently need to pull something up.
  • Got my husband to take some photos of my Pokemon Go cosplay. I thank him for putting up with me as I totally acted as a back-seat photographer 😉
  • Finished post processing two photoshoots that I did at a recent Anime con. Just one to go!
  • Led a “Fix-It Week” project at work, where we managed to delete almost 3,000 lines of old, unused Javascript.
  • Completed the season journey (Guardian) in Diablo 3, season 9 with my Barbarian.

And now for my goals for February:

  1. Subscribe to at least 5 charities – Every year, I pick several charities to do a one-time large donation to. Last year, I decided that I should stop that and switch to a monthly donation instead. My goal is to pick at least 5 and donate at least $100/month.
  2. Finish going through the Ember guides – I’ve put this off long enough. Time to learn this JS framework, especially since the other team I now manage mostly works in Ember.
  3. Draw something – Something, anything. I used to love drawing, but I rarely do it now. I want to get back into it.
  4. Clean my desks – both work and home. They have gotten very cluttered!

That’s it for now! Have a good February everyone!

10 Responses to “Recap: January 2017”

  • Rezina says:

    Wow go you! I haven’t been keeping up with the One Piece anime but I still read the manga. Also, that’s great that you’re planning on donating to some charities. I’m not in a place where I can afford to do that right now but hopefully in the future sometime when I have a better income and I’m no longer a student I can do that!

    I would be interested in seeing some of your drawings – I’ve tried to make it my goal to draw more often too, although I’m not doing it as often as I would like to.

    It’s very cool how you set goals for yourself monthly. I feel like it would make you more motivated to accomplish things!

  • Michelle says:

    Winter HAS been insane in Texas and even worse in my area: DFW area, seriously :/ I love your drawings as you need to show more of them! Those photos turned out beautifully <3

  • Holly says:

    I was lucky this year. My transition back into work after the Christmas break was fairly easy this year. I had a few 3 or 4 day weeks so that helped!

    I also got my dash cam set up this month. I wanted it wired to the electrics so I didn’t have to power it via the cigarette lighter. As you say, I hope I never have to use it.

    That’s very generous of you to donate to charity. Now I have a more steady income I’d like to start donating to a charity that has helped me a lot in the past.

  • Tara says:

    Yowza! You’ve done a lot for January. Just reading what you did with work and your hobbies and photoshoots — you were busy! Yay for accomplishing a lot! ^_^

    Your thing about the charity goal caught my eyes. I, too, have decided to be more giving this year. I plan to donate to one non-profit org per month. For January I’d donated to No One Left Behind. For February, I’ll be donating to ACLU. I think what you’re doing is a good idea, too!

    Good luck with your other goals 🙂 Cleaning is something I need to do, too LOL Do share what you end up drawing! ^_^

  • Chynna says:

    I can’t imagine how long it takes to post processing. I have a friend of uni who is a photographer and every time I go on Snapchat all he seems to be doing is post processing.

    Ah, work sounds super busy but you sound like you’re on top of it so kudos to you! 😀

    That also annoys me about Netflix releasing it all in one good. I get to binge watch, but I use Twitter a lot and Tumblr, both of which are notorious for people posting spoilers. Fun times(!)

    Congratulations on completely most of your goals! At least you got a look in on the tutorial; doing something is better than nothing.

    I loved seeing your progress of the Pokemon Go cosplay on Instagram! It turned out amazing 😀 Good luck with your goals for February!

  • Nancy says:

    Hope the business at work means lots of good stuff happening at work :). I giggled a bit on the inside when I saw one of our clients using your work’s product ;).

    It’s great to hear you completing most of your goals last month! It’s always better to have a footage on hand just in case. There are too many shady people in the world these days @___@. It’s good that you close your laptop during meetings. I try to keep it closed and take some handwritten notes to avoid being rude to the other meeting attendees. Your pictures look great!

    Good luck with this month’s goals! Donating $100 per month is amazing :). I remembered seeing your rooster picture for Lunar New Year. I love the attention you put into your artwork :D.

  • Pauline says:

    Last month was definitely a month where I had to try and adapt to the work routine after the holiday! It sounds like work has been very busy, I can say the same with mine too. It’s been super busy since I came back in order to transition into the new semester and bring in all these new initiatives.

    Well done on completing your goals last month! I haven’t played a single player game in such a long time, I think gaming more is on my list for sure 😛

    Good luck with this month! 😀 Looking forward to your next recap already 😀

  • Mija says:

    OH I am so glad we aren’t the only people with a “box room”!!! Actually we had 2 box rooms – and lived in this house since 2013 ><;;; We finally condensed all the junk into one room. We needed to free up a room for baby.

    I love your cosplay pics – if I cosplayed I would totally beg you to be my photographer!

  • Becca says:

    Totally jealous of your Texas winter weather right now. It’s been pretty cold in Missouri and I’ve been wanting to go outside and go hiking or for a run, but it’s just too cold! Definitely makes me look forward to spring and the warmer weather.

    Good job on your January goals!! I haven’t got much done with my own decluttering goal so this makes me want to work on that this weekend. I finished the one game that I started in January, so I’m pretty happy with that, but I haven’t started playing another yet. I’ve been pretty busy last month with a lot of traveling, so I’m hoping to have more time this month.

    Getting your car registration renewed is definitely an accomplishment. I always hate going to the DMV, and Andrew was supposed to get his renewed last month and had to pay a late fee since he didn’t do it on time. *facepalm*

    I love your charity goal. You should share which charities you donate to to spread more awareness! I donate a percentage of Andrew and I’s income each month, but we always donate extra around Christmas time (as I know most people do haha).

  • Georgie says:

    I’ll probably find out when I read your February recap that you’ve got ahead on Ember! 😉 I mean, I’m reading your posts in chronological order haha.

    I found the commitment to closing your laptop during meetings very good! I always have my phone on me and recently we’ve had some company changes (RE infrastructure and architecture) and I was given a really subtle reminder in my 1:1 to perhaps leave the phone behind so I can take part in discussion. I think I really thought, wow, I should buckle down. I hardly take my laptop with me but it’s always my phone! I am now trying to take a notebook and pen instead.

    Your husband did a great job on the photos. ? I also instruct Nick quite a bit when he takes photos for my Fashion Fridays!

    It’s awesome to hear that you’re getting into running. I just had a big workout at the gym this morning, which didn’t have running… but I look forward to running a little more when I move out because we’ll be looking at somewhere closer to the city (nicer views and all).

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