Archive for the 'Gaming' Category

January 3rd, 2016

Gaming year in review: 2015

Happy new year everyone! It’s time for my annual gaming year in review! This where I give a brief review of every game I’ve played in 2015. I only count games that I hadn’t played before, are remakes, or have new content. I don’t count any replays that don’t have anything new to them.

Let’s start with my favorites in 2015! (As usual, these are from the games I’ve played in 2015, which may not have released in 2015.)

Favorite Single Player: Dishonored
I really enjoy stealth games, and the powers that you can get gives you creative and fun options. I also liked that the game offered several ways for achieving your task. There are usually multiple travel paths, and you can choose between lethal and non-lethal solutions. I ended up doing a few play-throughs (stealth & non-lethal, murder everything, and a mix of both) just to try different things out.


Favorite Multiplayer: Gigantic
We were part of the alpha, and we really liked the guardians concept and how it felt like a MOBA + shooter. The view was over the shoulder, and you had to aim your shots. Plus, the community was actually nice. (A friendly MOBA community? Mind blown.) Unfortunately, we stopped as it went into beta, but we did have a ton of fun with it and met many cool people.


Favorite Indie/Download: Binding of Isaac Rebirth
I spent soooo many hours on this game and then played it again for the Afterbirth DLC. This is a roguelike game, where you start over from the beginning every time you die. Every play through is a different experience since you get a random map with random enemies and items. I thought it was very well done and super addicting. The more you play, the better you get, and the further you can go.


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December 7th, 2015

Timeless thoughts: City of Heroes

Timeless Thoughts is a link-up run by Tara and Georgie! I actually wanted to participate since the beginning but never knew what to write. Raisa’s World of Warcraft entry took me back to my MMO days, and I do actually miss the very first MMO I tried: City of Heroes.


I started with City of Heroes in college with friends, and we also played a bit of City of Villains later on. City of Heroes was a brand new world to me. I didn’t have prior experience with online games, and it was a weird feeling to suddenly be surrounded by so many strangers. I was so terrible at first and got lost and died on the way to our first mission. It also made me realize that the online world isn’t always negative. When that happened, an experienced player ran over to revive and help me! (And then I had issues figuring out how to /whisper back to thank the person XD;;)

Also, City of Heroes/Villains were not your traditional MMOs. They were known for being able to design your character’s look and costume, so there was no gear to get… otherwise, you’d cover up your costume! Instead, there was an enhancements system for your powers. Player-run costume contests were pretty common in the game. Instead of a mount system, you chose what super power your hero/villain would use to get around: super speed, super jump, flight, or teleportation.

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July 18th, 2015

What Nintendo means to me

For those who keep up with gaming news, you might have heard that Nintendo’s President and CEO, Satoru Iwata, passed away recently from bile duct cancer at the age of 55. Though it’s always sad to see famous people you like pass away, this one hit me harder than others, mainly because Iwata-san worked on games I love and had also become one of the key faces of Nintendo.


“On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.”

Iwata-san was not your typical CEO. First, he was actually a game developer at HAL Laboratory and worked on EarthBound and games in the Super Smash Bros, Kirby, and Pokemon series. A few of those games might not have been released without his programming help. After he became Nintendo’s CEO, he pushed for the release of the DS and Wii, both of which were very successful and followed his goal of making games appeal to a wider audience. He also hosted Nintendo Direct to bring news to fans and willingly cut his salary in half when Nintendo suffered a loss in profits.

“Above all, video games are meant to be just one thing: fun. Fun for everyone.”

Iwata-san was someone who was not afraid to be quirky and silly, and that is one of the things I love about Nintendo. I know many people consider Nintendo’s E3 presence this year to be the worst of the lot, but I genuinely enjoyed it. Compared to the other big E3 shows, it was funny, light hearted, and just brought a smile to my face.


Nintendo is actually why I started gaming. It began when I was young, and my cousins brought over their NES to my grandparents’ house. I was hooked and wanted one so bad. Tetris! Battle Toads! Double Dragon! Contra! Super Mario! So many great memories! My parents bought my brother and I one shortly after, and my gaming hobby just grew from there.

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