December 11th, 2020

Better Late Than Never

Um… hello! It’s been quite a while since I posted here. As I was thinking on how my 2020 went, I realized I never put together a Year in Review for 2019. I know it’s something I don’t have to do, but I’ve always liked having a recap for myself.

Saying Goodbye

Unfortunately, my 2019 started with saying goodbye as a high school friend unexpectedly passed away. It happened 6 months after we coincidentally ran into each other and talked about catching up. Unfortunately, we never did, so I missed my chance.

Part way through the year, I also lost one of my uncles to cancer. He was the oldest sibling on my dad’s side, one of the kindest people I knew, and a supportive rock to the family. Though it was a sad occasion, it was also nice to see so much of my extended family.

Both were wake up calls to keep in touch better, something I’ve always been bad about. I ended up meeting up with several former coworkers who I had not seen in a while, but I had been meaning to catch up with. My cousins and I also talked about traveling to meet up more (which of course, got ruined by 2020).

Saying Hello

On the bright side, 2019 was also a year of saying hello! My brother and one of my cousins welcomed new babies to the family! A couple of my closest friends had babies last year too. Sadly, I haven’t been able to see them in person yet, though I was totally planning to. I had to cancel my plane tickets earlier this year because… well, you know why. I’m excited that my daughter, Tali, has cousins now though, and it’s also nice to have close friends to talk to about our kiddos.

Crossing Off The Bucket List

I finally did a couple things I’ve been wanting to do for a while. The first is getting a fully electric car! My Acura TL was starting to have a lot of problems, some of which were expensive to fix, so it was time for something new. We bought a Tesla Model 3 last year, which we still absolutely love.

Blue Tesla Model 3

The year before (2018), my husband’s car was on its last legs, so we got rid of it for the Kia Niro, which is a hybrid. That means I’ve reached my goal of not owning a fully gas car at all! I actually can’t imagine going back to a fully gas car again.

The other thing I crossed off my list was getting Lasik! It’s been on my mind for years, but I never acted on it, even though my husband got it done a few years ago. I had been using contacts so long, I really didn’t mind sticking with them. However, Tali got to the age where she wouldn’t leave my glasses alone and kept grabbing them off my face. That was the final push I needed to get Lasik done. The operation went well, and now my eyesight is better than 20/20! No regrets here!

Other Things Worth Noting

  • My company got acquired, which had its ups and downs. It was definitely a challenging time, as it involved lay offs, attrition, merging with another company, and other changes. Though I considered leaving, I stuck it out and am still at the same place.
  • Tali turned one year old last August! We celebrated by taking her to an interactive children’s museum and then having a small birthday party with her grandparents.
  • We took a quick trip to Pennsylvania and New York to attend one of my cousin’s wedding. It was Tali’s first time on a plane, and the first time many of my relatives got to meet her in person. It all went well!

My husband, Tali, and I at the wedding ceremony

And that’s it for my 2019 recap! (At least it’s what I remember.) Hopefully my 2020 recap won’t be a full year late, but I hope everyone is hanging in there and is doing well 🙂

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