December 29th, 2019

Gaming year in review: 2019

Though I haven’t been able to play as many games as I used to, I’m still happy that I’m able to play some games throughout the year and complete a few! I think the biggest shift for me is playing more console games than PC, which is opposite of how I used to be. With a toddler now, being on the couch to play consoles has been easier than sitting at my computer.

So here’s my usual annual gaming year in review! This is where I briefly review the games I played this past year, and I start with my favorites of those, which may or may not have been released in 2019.

Favorite Single Player: God of War

Wow. I get it now. I get why this game is so highly rated. As someone who played and enjoyed the first three God of War games, I’m amazed that this one managed to improve on every aspect of the series. The story was wonderfully crafted with its own take on Norse mythology. The open world unraveled in a clever way. The combat felt cleaner and worked well with Atreus. And finally, finally, FINALLY, Kratos has more personality. It was so refreshing to see him have a vulnerable side and actual character development as the game progressed. Really well done, bravo.

Favorite Multiplayer: Risk of Rain 2

I never played the first Risk of Rain, but I knew it was a sidescroller roguelike. I thought changing it to 3D and over the shoulder was an interesting choice, and it became the perfect co-op game for people with babies. We didn’t have to keep up with progress or level. It was great being able to play co-op with friends again and start anew every time (since it was roguelike).

Favorite Indie/Download: Cadence of Hyrule

Though I haven’t played the first Crypt of the Necrodancer, I’ve always thought the rhythm gameplay it had was interesting. I loved that it was combined with a Zelda game, making it part roguelike, part rhythm, and part Legend of Zelda. I had a lot of fun with this one, was addicted, and ended up beating it three times (solo, co-op, and permadeath mode).

Now for the rest of the games I played in 2019!
(* = I beat the game. | ~ = There’s no ending, but I played a lot of it.)

3DS (1)

* Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
I started this in 2018 and finished this year. It felt good to play a Phoenix Wright game again, though I’m not a fan of the gameplay mechanics for Apollo and Athena. I enjoyed the other parts of solving the cases though, and I liked actually being surprised by the twist at the end.

PC (1)

~ Risk of Rain 2
See above.

PS4 (1)

* God of War
See above.

Switch (4)

* Cadence of Hyrule
See above.

* Kirby Star Allies
I normally love Kirby games, but I wasn’t a big fan of Star Allies. It had some good ideas, like combining powers, but having 3 AI characters with you made things so confusing. Boss fights were often hard to follow, and the AI characters often did things I didn’t want them to do.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
I don’t play many turn-based strategy games because I don’t really find them to be my type of game. However, I think Mario + Rabbids is really fun. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, while also being serious enough to offer challenging and interesting gameplay. This is the last game I started in 2019, so I’m not finished yet, but I’m enjoying it so far!

* Pokemon: Let’s Go Eevee
Let’s Go is another one I started in 2018 and finished this year. (“Finished” as in beat Elite Four twice, all gym leaders twice, and finished Pokedex.) I enjoyed the nostalgia of this game while appreciating the new elements and gameplay. I actually thought putting in some of the Pokemon Go gameplay was a good idea here.

A really short gaming year in review this time, since I only played 7 games! I did finish 5 of them, so 5 out of 7 is a good stat at least, haha. What about you? Do you have any favorite games that you played this past year?

3 Responses to “Gaming year in review: 2019”

  • Ashley says:

    As someone who doesn’t play games I don’t understand it all but it looks like you have a good time playing them. ♥
    I tend to just watch people play. I think they give me stress that I don’t need because I’m so terrible at playing anything.
    I haven’t played any news games except for Visual Novels… does that count any? haha

  • Shanae says:

    I play video games when given the chance, though nowhere near as much as I used to thanks to the responsibility of life in general, lol. Though I am remembering it is important to take time for myself, which is boosting my morale and helping others around me. Gaming has helped with that, though I generally stick to single-player games as of late. Ems got a switch lite and Lets Go! for Christmas and I’ve never seen my child so quiet. Legit forgot she was home one saturday because I hadn’t seen her since breakfast, and she’s 7, so she’s usually hanging off me constantly.

  • Lucy says:

    As a fellow gamer here, I appreciate this post. It’s nice to see someone else’s thoughts and views on video games as well (especially a fellow parent). While I haven’t played a few titles you’ve mentioned, I agree with you about the Kirby Star Allies… all the little extra buddies following me around left me constantly confused. I definitely want to give Cadence of Hyrule a try.

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