Archive for April, 2019

April 12th, 2019

The KonMari method, part 2

Before I get into my next progress on the KonMari method, I wanted to backtrack and explain why I went into a declutter mode. I had two main reasons for starting to declutter:

  1. I wanted our house to be easier to clean. I kept trying to solve this by buying new storage solutions, but it never fixed the root problem of owning too many things.
  2. My husband and I discussed potentially moving houses later. When I thought about packing all of our belongings, it gave me anxiety because I realized how much we owned and how painful moving would be.

After starting my decluttering journey a year or so ago, I started viewing my house in a different way. Everywhere I looked, I kept thinking, “we have too much stuff”, and it’d make me unhappy. Even rooms I previously decluttered, I’d still stand in and just look around, eyeing more things I wanted to discard. It was getting kind of obsessive.

I was also getting annoyed at my previous tendency to just collect things. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having collections, but among my collections were things I didn’t like. I kept them because it made the number of things I collected go up, which brings me to the next step in the KonMari method…

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