Archive for January, 2019

January 24th, 2019

The KonMari method, part 1

Well, I caught the bug that’s been spreading. You know the one where you watch just one episode of the new Marie Kondo show, and suddenly you want to refold all your clothes and declutter your whole house? Yeah, that’s the one.

Though I knew of Marie Kondo and her popular book before, I had been avoiding it. I wasn’t into decluttering at the time, and then when I finally was, I wanted to do it my own way because I had heard her method was a bit on the extreme side. Her Netflix show piqued my interest though.

What I saw was Marie giving guidance and then leaving her clients to pick what they wanted to discard. The end result were homes that still looked normal instead of the stereotypical minimalists homes you see where they only own like 10 things. Sometimes the house still had more things than I’d be comfortable with, but the owners were happy and that’s what mattered. I realized that her method might be more reasonable than I thought.

From there, I read her book, and it really spoke to me. She wrote about how, in the past, she’d declutter and declutter but never feel satisfied. That’s me right now! No matter how much I’ve decluttered, it’s never enough. I still feel like I live in clutter. She also wrote about how she’d blame her family for clutter but then realized her own room was still cluttered. She needed to take care of herself first.

And so, I’ve decided to use her method but only for myself right now. I told my husband I was going to try it, but I’m not forcing him to nor will I touch his things. I need to do this for myself.

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January 12th, 2019

Gaming year in review: 2018

2018 was a year where I spent less time on most of my hobbies, and gaming took a hit as well. Though I didn’t play that many games, I still wanted to put together my annual year in review! This is where I briefly review the games that I played throughout the year that are “new” to me (i.e. I haven’t played before, are remakes, or have new content – no replays).

First, let’s reveal the favorites! As usual, this is picked from games I played in 2018, which may or may not have released that year.

Favorite Single Player: Super Mario Odyssey
Mario Odyssey felt like a combination of two things I love: Mario 64 and open world games. I loved being able to explore each area and figure out where the moons were. It had the whimsical fun that you’d expect from Nintendo games, especially using Cappy to take control of your enemies. There’s been several Mario 64 clones, and this one exceeded my expectations.

Favorite Multiplayer and Favorite Indie/Download: Full Metal Furies
I normally pick a different game for each category, but since I didn’t play that many in 2018, I decided to award both favorite multiplayer and indie to Full Metal Furies. Done by the creators of Rogue Legacy, this is a co-op game featuring 4 women of different weapons and play types. Even with each character, the play style changes depending on the abilities you chose for each skill, and you could mix and match to fit what you need. The game has fun dialog and was an enjoyable challenge that really made you work together to get through hard battles.

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January 1st, 2019

Year in Review: 2018

Happy new year everyone! It’s time for my annual year in review, and wow… 2018. What a year. 2018 has brought about really big changes in my life, so let’s get started on recapping!

Life in General

My life had been pretty stable with little change for many years, but 2018 was definitely different. I spent most of the year pregnant, and then in August, my daughter, Talia, was born!

It’s kind of funny because I wouldn’t describe myself as a baby person. Prior to Talia, I never really held a baby nor cared about other people’s babies that much. It’s a different story when it’s your own though. I know this will sound cliche, but she really has filled mine and my husband’s life with so much love and joy. (Though sometimes we look at her and think, “weird… we have a baby now… THAT’S WEIRD”.)

We also made the big decision of living off of one salary, which I’ll probably write about another time. My husband decided to quit his job and become a full time stay-at-home dad. I know we’ll be fine with my salary, but it’s still a huge change to suddenly cut one salary out of the picture.

As for my own work, there were big changes there too. In the beginning of the year, the engineering department restructured into smaller teams, and we all got Agile training. The team I used to manage was split into two smaller teams, both of which I still manage. I also got promoted! I’m now a Senior Engineering Manager!

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