October 11th, 2016

My Favorite Things: October 2016

It’s time for another round of My Favorite Things, a link-up hosted by Raisa and Eirene! I’m sad that this is the last one in the link-up, so I wanted to make sure I participated this month. I’m going to miss it! I will probably continue the series on my own once in a while because it’s fun to recap things I’ve enjoyed recently 🙂

Stranger Things


After being asked multiple times whether I’ve seen Stranger Things by friends, I can finally say yes. The show centers around the disappearance of a boy and all the weird things that happen afterwards. I love the 80s feel, and all of the mysterious things going on really pulled me in. I watched a couple episodes during the week, but then just binge watched the last 6 episodes on a Saturday. So good! I’m loving the Netflix series, so next up is to finish Luke Cage!

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime


This is such a cute and fun game! It’s a cooperative game, supporting up to 4 players. You have to fly a spaceship together and rescue kidnapped animals. There are more stations on the ship than players, so you have to work together to man different parts. For example, a ship might have 4 turrets, a canon, a shield, a map, and an engine. You have to figure out where you’re needed and move around as the situation changes. It’s a really great couch game!

McCall’s Cosplay Patterns


Cosplayers have been altering sewing patterns for years to work with our costumes, and it’s really nice to see a major pattern company recognize that! McCall’s now has a cosplay site, and some of the patterns were specifically made for cosplay. I also love that they’ve been working with Yaya Han, whom I’m a big fan of and whose cosplays actually inspired me to try it years ago.

I recently bought the one she made for the Pokemon Go Trainer. I’ve mocked it up with some left over stretch fabric I had, and I only had to make minor adjustments for fit. It’s nice that I don’t have to make other changes! What a time saver!

I also picked up the one for gloves to use with the same costume, though I haven’t tried it yet. There are several new cosplay patterns that look so good, but sadly, I don’t have any use for them right now. Hopefully I’ll get to try some of them later on. They look so cool!

And that’s it for this time! I’m working on the remaining entries from my Japan trip, in which there will be 3 more (Sanriku Coast, Yokohama, and Ghibli Museum). Hope you guys aren’t tired of them yet!

11 Responses to “My Favorite Things: October 2016”

  • Michelle says:

    Stranger Things is AH-MAZING, seriously. I cannot wait for season 2. I swear that Netflix is producing amazing shows and I cannot wait to watch more. Ooooh, a Pokemon Go outfit! I can’t wait to see it!

    Tell me how Luke Cage is! ^^

  • Carolynne says:

    Oh my goodness, isn’t it funny how when something is gone, you so desperately want to do it? I love your MFT posts and I should start doing it on my blog too!

  • Joy says:

    Everyone is raving about Stranger Things and I’m way too chicken to watch it because I am so easily frightened.

    I saw that they had cosplaying patterns! I think that’s so cool and so progressive. I just recently bought my first pattern ever from McCall’s and I’m excited to try. You were actually the one that inspired me to sew =)

    • Cat says:

      I actually didn’t think Stranger Things was scary! It’s definitely creepy and dark, but it didn’t have the typical scares that horror movies have. I normally hate watching horror movies but liked Stranger Things!

      Aw, that makes me happy to hear that I inspired you to sew! 😀 I hope the pattern works out!

  • Elisa says:

    i have stranger things downloaded but i haven’t watched it at all! i’m actually procrastinating on everything, including playing games and watching movies / etc. gahd, i need to start watching stranger things before i’m late to the bandwagon. the only tv series that i diligently watch are DC series; mainly the flash, arrow and supergirl.

  • Kya says:

    I had heard of Stranger Things, but never really knew what it was about. It does sound really good. 😀

    That game sounds like fun and would be interesting playing with others! 😀

    So cool that there are more cosplay sewing patterns! I am sure that a lot of people will really like that, especially those that might not know how to make them from scratch. 😀

  • Tara says:

    I’ve never heard of Stranger Things or the Lovers in Dangerous Spacetime game! Then again I live under a rock at times XD They don’t sound like something I’d get into, but I’m glad you’re enjoying them 😀

    And oooh, a Pokemon Go outfit? That sounds like a perfect new cosplay! Do share a photo of you wearing it!

  • Pauline says:

    Everyone has been going on about Stranger things, I think it’s finally time for me to actually check it out! It’s been amazing according to all my friends and now you! 😛

    I’ve seen photos on instagram of your cosplay, it looks awesome 😀 That’s great you didnt have to make much changes – less work for you!

  • Nancy says:

    I can imagine you coming up with some cool name for your favorites series XD. Ahh, I haven’t seen Stranger Things yet! I should give it a shot one of these days. I just finished binge watching the whole season of Luke Cage today (while starting last night). Whoops XD.

    That game looks pretty cool! You make me want to play some cooperative games with my boyfriend someday XD. I’ve seen the progress of your Pokemon Go Trainer outfit and it’s 100% legit!!! I can’t wait to see more awesomeness being put together :D.

  • Karin says:

    Everyone who’s watched Stranger Things seem to have binged it in like 2 days. I did it too, it was such a great show I couldn’t turn it off. I loved all the characters and the creepiness of the Upside Down. Can’t wait ’til the next season!

    My boyfriend and I have been playing Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and like it a lot. It’s really challenging sometimes, but a lot of fun. Great co-op game, especially for couples, and so ridiculously cute! 😀

  • Ongaku says:

    I thought that was pretty amazing too, how they make cosplay patterns now. It is about time with all the cosplay boom.
    Stranger Things is awesome! I look forward to the next season. 🙂

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