August 13th, 2016

Japan 2016, part 0

I’m back from a 12 day trip in Japan! After almost two weeks, I’m behind on blogging, work, personal life – pretty much everything. I have a lot to talk about and photos to post from this trip, but I’ll be splitting it up into several entries, so that they’re easier to digest. I’ll spread them out this time too, so that I can stick other entries in between.

This was actually my second trip to Japan. Two years ago, I went to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Hakone, while also visiting nearby cities like Nara and Osaka. The Japan category on my blog has entries on those! This time, we stayed in Tokyo and Sendai, and we also visited nearby cities like Morioka, Shiogama, Matsushima, and Yokohama.

I normally don’t take vacation in the summer because it’s often crowded in places and really hot, but I wanted to hit the festival season in Japan. It also ended up coming at a good time. I was starting to really get tired out by work, and even blogging or updating my websites began feeling like a chore. Being away for two weeks was refreshing, and I’m ready to take on reality again.

In the mean time, I was updating my Instagram while in Japan, so you can kind of see a preview of what I was up to there. If you play Pokemon Go, I have a Facebook album with my thoughts on playing in Japan. Also, I went ahead and edited a bunch of food photos (cause they’re important, you know) and have queued them up on my food tumblr. (It’s set to post twice a day.)

I’m going to return blog comments and work on my first Japan entry soon! Here are some previews from my trip that you can expect a write-up on later 🙂








15 Responses to “Japan 2016, part 0”

  • Nancy says:

    For some reason, I keep on thinking that you’ve been to Japan so many times! Then I realized that Hawaii is your travel territory XD.

    Welcome back, Cat!

    Glad to hear that you had a great time, especially with your PokemonGo adventuring! It’s so cool that you caught Farfetch’d while being there! Ahhhh! I wish there are some Pokemon nests near my area D:. I’ve been following your Japan postings on Instagram and it looks amazing!

  • Tara says:

    It’s only your second trip? Like Nancy said, it feels like you went there like ten times! I’m glad you were able to make it back there again 😀 It sounds like you really needed this trip if even blogging and such was turning into a chore! Your photos are looking amazing like always, and seeing those photos are making me look forward to my own trip to Hokkaido next year! Eee!

    Can’t wait to see the actual posts about your trip 🙂 I am especially curious about the festival you went to! I’m guessing you went to the Obon Festival? Reminds me of all the festival side stories that were done in Persona 4, haha XD

    • Cat says:

      That’s exciting that you’re going to Hokkaido! I’d like to visit there some time. I was thinking of it this time, but it didn’t quite fit into the schedule =/ We were mainly there for the Tanabata festival in Sendai. Fortunately, we left right before Obon started, because I heard traveling is a pain during that holiday!

  • Christine says:

    Welcome back!! I love seeing all of the travel people do. Those foxes? OMG! Too adorable. It’s amazing how they let you get so close to them to snap the photo. Here in the U.S., I think they’d be too scared.

  • Holly says:

    I can’t believe it’s two years since you last went to Japan. It only feels like yesterday that I read those posts!

    It sounds like you really needed this trip. I’m really looking forward to reading your posts about it, particularly about those cute foxes!

  • Liv says:

    CAN’T WAIT FOR THE POST ABOUT THE PIKACHUS! I saw your Pokemon Go screenshots, haha, there are as many Poke stops in Tokyo as here! I didn’t realize your trip to Japan was two years ago! Time flies! It’s wonderful that you were able to go back and explore places you haven’t before! I hope to do that with Mexico, since I stayed in the Yucatan Peninsula, next time I hope to visit Mexico City or Baja California! 🙂

  • Michelle says:

    I saw your photos and holy moly! I need to go when I save up money! So many PIKACHUS! Beautiful photos and oh my goodness, can you give tips about traveling to Japan in another post and such? I’d love that! Can’t wait to hear more about your trip in your own words but the pictures you showed and took on Instagram tell a great story.

    • Cat says:

      Ooh, I like the idea of doing a tips post for traveling to Japan. I might write one up! Thanks for the idea, Michelle!

  • Jean says:

    Welcome back! Everyone needs to refresh. It’s okay to be away!
    Looks like you are a frequent visitor of Japan!
    I checked out your food photos! Damn. I’m totally drooling haha
    I saw pikachus!! and TOTORO!!!! It’s so cute. I can’t wait!! <3

  • Alice B says:

    ERMAGEEEHD THE FOXES ARE SO CUTEEE!! AND THE OWWWLS AND THE PIKACHUUUUS ;w; did you throw a pokeball at them? lol I’m legit jealous right now urgh.

    holy smokes, your arcanine. i can’t seem to find another growlithe in where i live so yeap, can’t level up that shizz. sometimes i wonder if i should have chosen team valor because it’s hard to find the same pokemon here (unless it’s a freaking pidgey and ratata) and evolving them is quite a tough job. my highest pokemons are only at 300-ish CP and they’re golbat, slowpoke and pidgeot. sucks. can’t seem to find another dratini too and it amaze me how people can evolve dratini to dragonite urgh

    • Cat says:

      I got really lucky and hatched two Growlithes! That’s where most of my candy came from, haha. I only had to catch a few more to evolve him. Our city used to have two Dratini nests, so it was easy to catch them. The nests have shifted since then, so there’s no Dratini nest anymore around here 🙁

  • Ongaku says:

    I can’t wait to read you posts on your trip. Someday I’m going to save up enough to visit another country. It’s hard for me to decide on where to go – Japan, Korea, Germany… so many places I would love to visit. I remember seeing those pictures on instagram and it looks like so much fun.

  • Kya says:

    Those photos look awesome. OWLS. So adorable. :’)

  • Georgie says:

    I cannot wait to see where the Totoro photo was taken. 😉

  • Carolynne says:

    Ah! So exciting to read in the next few weeks about your trip!

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