Archive for January, 2016

January 27th, 2016

A few movie recommends

I love a good movie, though ones that are typically popular are the big blockbusters with high budgets, great CG, and completely unrealistic stories that let us escape from our daily lives. I do enjoy them and they’re fun to get lost in, but sometimes I crave something that is a little more… real? It’s not that I’m looking for a totally realistic movie, but you have to admit that sometimes the way people react or the way scenarios come together in movies are pretty far fetched.

For example, recently I watched both The Martian and Interstellar, two space, sci-fi movies. I loved The Martian as it focused on the science and what could potentially happen if someone was stranded on Mars. Yes, it wasn’t totally accurate, but it also wasn’t too crazy. Interstellar, on the hand, went into total drama and crazy land at the end. It fell so far into the deep end that I couldn’t enjoy it.

So if you’re like me, who wants something different from the typical blockbuster movies, I have a few recommends.

If you like super hero movies… try Chronicle


Sure, there’s nothing realistic about super powers, but what has always bugged me is how people in movies react to them. Would an average person immediately don a costume and become a vigilante? Is that what people would really do?

Chronicle (trailer) was a refreshing change and focuses around three high school students who gain telekinetic powers after discovering an unknown object. And well, they act as teenagers do and first use their powers to prank people. Though they keep it a secret, they continue to use their powers and slowly become stronger. Over time, the power is abused and things go horribly wrong.

It’s also interesting that Chronicle is filmed in a way that makes it look like found footage. Most of the movie is from the view point of a camcorder that one of the characters uses to document everything. This can be annoying in some films, but it ends up working well since they can use their telekinesis to hold the camera and keep it steady.

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January 21st, 2016

Project 52, finale and retrospective

I finished my Project 52 in the last week of 2015! This is the finale! To begin, I want to look back on the project and what I’ve learned from it. In my first entry, I mentioned that I completed a Project 365 in the past, and it just felt like a recording of my life through photos. While that’s nice, I really wanted a photography challenge, which is where the one serious photo a week idea came in.

These are the positive things that came out of it:

  • I took more photos and used my DSLR more frequently.
  • I took many photos that I would not have taken otherwise. For example, I purposely went out to take photos and also began exploring toy photography more.


  • I fine tuned my techniques for taking photos indoors. Since I work during the day, it can be hard to take outdoor photos before dark and sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate. I learned to make my own indoor set-up and am still improving it.


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January 13th, 2016

Hello January

Every time January comes around, I remember why it’s such a hell month for me. If you think it’s because of going back to work after the break… well, that’s not it. It’s because of trees. Cedar trees to be exact. January is when many Austinites (yes, we call ourselves that) like myself suffer from cedar allergies. One of these days I’ll get around to seeing an allergist, but I’ve been managing with nasal rinses and antihistamines. It gets me to somewhat normal during the day, but I wake up feeling miserable, and I can’t sleep through the night. Ugh, allergies, why.

Come on, Texas. WTF.

Come on, Texas. WTF.

Speaking of work, I actually welcomed going back on Jan 4th. I worked from home the Mon-Wed before Christmas Eve, and then between Christmas and New Years, I didn’t really work. I kept an eye on my email and answered anything that came up, but otherwise, I stayed home. I slept in; I played a lot of video games. It was pretty nice. After a week, I felt kind of like a deadbeat and just… felt like I needed to do something with my life. It felt good to be productive again at work!

Plus, on Jan 7th, we celebrated our company’s 10th birthday by seeing Star Wars in theaters 🙂 Our work treated us all to the movie, and since it was a theater that served food and alcohol, we also got free lunch and drinks. Sure, most of us had seen Star Wars already (some multiple times), but it’s hard to complain about a free movie, food, and booze.

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