January 21st, 2014

Online to in person

Meeting an online friend in person is interesting. It kind of feels like meeting an old friend, since you’ve known each other online for a while, but at the same time… it’s like meeting a new person? Fortunately, I’ve been able to see a few of my online friends! Three so far, to be exact 🙂

The first is my friend, Robbie, who I met years ago. It’s been so long, I can’t even remember how old I was when we started talking online. We first met up for lunch a couple times when I visited California. After we both graduated college, we have flown to visit each other and were also at each other’s weddings. He’s one of my closest friends!


The second is… Ongaku! She also lives in Texas, and we both go to the Anime conventions here. We met briefly at a con in Dallas, but then had more of a chance to talk when we went to another con in San Antonio. I also did a photoshoot for her and her sister there 🙂


And now the third is… Agent Q! She is currently living in Texas as well and was visiting a friend in Austin. I met her on Sunday at UT campus, and we walked to a nearby sushi place for lunch.


I’m always worried I’m actually boring in-person and will run out of things to talk about, haha. Fortunately, we talked the whole time – about each other, random things, and even the blogging world. It was really nice 🙂 Hopefully, we’ll be able to meet up again! Has anyone else been able to meet up with an online friend too?

19 Responses to “Online to in person”

  • Tara says:

    I’ve met a lot over the years in Korea or Japan LOL. I love meeting online friends, finally seeing them face-to-face and knowing their real names . . . love it! My experiences have been great. If you ever get your butt to Korea, hit me up! I’d love to finally meet you in person 🙂

  • Agent Q says:

    Haha, again, it was awesome meeting with you! It’s funny because we were comparing relationship dynamics between those we meet offline and those we initially meet online. An intriguing concept to be examined further, I’d thing. xD

  • Liv says:

    It’s amazing how you were able to meet up with your online friends! That’s something I wish I could do. One of my friends and I have thought about it but we can’t really afford the trip. And it seems everyone else I know stays far away from NYC. You seem to visit here a number of times though. Maybe I can be your 4th meet? LOL.

    • Cat says:

      haha, I’ll have to let you know if I’m there! I haven’t visited the past few years, but I’m sure I’ll be back 🙂

  • Jenny says:

    That’s awesome that you got to meet up with your online friends! I would love the chance to meet some of my fellow bloggers in person, but most people I know live far away 🙁 I’m also terrible at taking initiatives, so that probably doesn’t help – maybe if I actually made an effort I would’ve met some of my online friends by now 😛

  • Stephanie says:

    I have yet to meet an online friend, mostly because I’m scared. 😛 You have made me less scared – I guess that for bloggers like us, having a presence online outside the usual social media outlets gives us a lot in common!

  • Holly says:

    It’s great that you get to meet up with some of your online friends. 😀 I’d love to do that. Even though I know two bloggers who live literally down the road from me I’ve always been a bit worried about meeting up. Maybe now I’m older I should find some courage and suggest a meet up. 🙂

  • Richelle says:

    It’s awesome that you’re able to meet up with friends that you’ve met online. I did it once when I was really young and it was awkward.

    I think (hope) things would be different now since I’m older and more comfortable with myself. I think it’d be awesome to meet up with an online friend or blogger friend 😀

  • Nancy says:

    It’s so cool how the internet gives you opportunities to meet people in person (despite of some risks). It’s awesome that you and Robbie went to each other’s weddings; especially since it’s in two different states. With your photography shoots going on, you’re bound to make some long-term friends. I like their dresses :3.

    I remember about you meeting up with Agent Q! You both look awesome :D. I hope you enjoyed all of these people from the Internet!

    I haven’t met with anyone from the internet in person before :(. At the most, I have been at Disneyland at the same time with someone I met but I was in the parade so it couldn’t be arranged.. Or if this counts, I went to the same restaurant a couple of others have been to before XD. If you’re ever in LA, let me know!

  • Hiro says:

    I loveee meeting people online, but I agree. I always have this small anxiety that I’m not what they expected, and they’d be disappointed in discovering what I “really” am like. :S Conventions are where I’ve met a lot of my online friends at once, but I’ve also met my online friends in Japan and Germany as well as all around the country (Georgia, Texas, New York, etc.).
    I’m jelly you got to meet Agent Q and Ongaku. I hope I’ll catch you when I’m in Texas next if ever. 😀

  • Joy says:

    I think it’s awesome!

    Meeting a blog friend is on my list of things to do in life. I’m not entirely sure I have any online friends and it’s mostly because I don’t want to call someone my online friend without them actually agreeing with me, haha! How sad would that be!

    Besides, all of the blogs I follow (including yours!) have owners who live so far away. Otherwise, I wouldn’t mind meeting up.

  • Carolynne says:

    I’ve met an online friend only once. And it was completely by fluke. I was at a concert and she recognized me and called me over. It was very cool. We live in the same city and should probably get together more often! Haha. I would love to travel to meet a friend somewhere else in the world though! That would be too cool!

  • Jessica says:

    It’s really cool to meet up with online friends! Sometimes I feel closer to them than some friends irl, so there have been a few that I have actually met in person. Although I would mostly be scared to meet online acquaintances, the ones I’ve seen are the ones I’ve kept in contact with a loooong time and were very comfortable with meeting ^^ Like you, I didn’t run out of things to talk about 🙂

  • Tina says:

    Meeting an online friend can be both exciting and nervewrecking! I’ve had both the good and bad experiences, but most seem to have the same personality they display online because they’re comfortable to show it to me as I already know them like that and vice versa. 🙂

    I actually have some friends who live in Texas! I’ve been meaning to visit them in the future!

  • Shahr says:

    That’s pretty cool to be able to meet your online friends like that! I’ve never met anyone I am affiliated with online in person before. I’m sure that would be really exciting though!! I actually rarely ever encounter any Vancouver bloggers online in general so I don’t know if I ever would get the chance!

  • Valerie says:

    I wish I could meet some online friends but I dont have any online friend living in Italy :/
    Anyway affies?

  • Amy says:

    This is such an interesting read! I’ve met many online friends too but have really kept in touch with a few who have now become my best buddies and my gaming friends ^^

    When I first met a friend online I never told mum… I went with a friend to meet them at a theme park. We had so much fun and it was a good day to remember ^^

    I haven’t met my online friends from across the border though. I would like to 😀

  • Ongaku says:

    That’s awesome that you met three people so far from online. I think I have only met you, oh wait I did meet this one guy but he isn’t even a friend anymore. DX

    You are not a boring person in the least! I really hope to get to hang out with you again. ♥

  • Mija says:

    Some of my closest friends I’ve met online first!!! I probably ran into you many times at different Tx anime cons and never knew!!! I hope now that we are friends we can meet at Anime Matsuri or Akon!!!! <3

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